i hate waking up early and i hate that i already have carpal tunnel from all the fuckin typing we've done for AE 3. i don't know how knowing about wars & shiz is going to get me a job, unless i want to be a historian, which i don't, so why do we need to take history with english..
i hate waking up early and i hate that i already have carpal tunnel from all the fuckin typing we've done for AE 3. i don't know how knowing about wars & shiz is going to get me a job, unless i want to be a historian, which i don't, so why do we need to take history with english..
kjadjkdkjaagd i also hate that i wasted money on cherry garcia that i was really excited to eat but left in my car.
yeah 'kay my fault. so here's a picture of dubya.
yeah 'kay my fault. so here's a picture of dubya.


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