"Girl, I remember when we was sittin' on your couch
Watchin' Good Will Hunting, holdin' hands and drinkin' milkshakes
But milkshakes melt. People change, and
..you dumped me on my birthday.
Right after I bought you that really expensive thing from the Body Shop,
Called Jojoba Loofah ..Milktowel or something like that
That I sold 147 Cutco knives to afford, but whatever, hey, it's cool!
I've moved, on you know, I'm happy now. Well, happy in a crying sorta way.. you know..
curled up naked in the shower biting your knees wishing you were dead kinda happy
But I realized you were right, we were never meant to be. (:
And you know what? Thank GOD...
'Cause you're the most vapid, whiny bitch I've ever met
Always making fun of my clothes, telling me how hott other guys are, asking me to pay you gas money???!!!!!!!
Buy your own gas you bug-eyed mooch! It's your car and it costs more than my house!
Oh and now you're going around trying to sleep with my friends..psh..
Hey good, that really makes you an empowered individual - no wait, I
meant two-cent gutter slut.
Listen you tanning-bed-baked, broke-ass, goat-faced, oompa-loompa monkey problem
I am PROUD to shop at Target, I'll wear warm-up pants any day of the week!
Yes, your ass did look fat in those jeans, your mom's a M.I.L.F.
And I plan to get on your little sister just as soon as I give her a call back, oh and you know what else?
You can watch Good Will Hunting by yourself (you bitch, please die)"
lolz. 2nd favorite song evaaa. ;P