1. Chinese Olympic Gymnasts. They all look like, fuckin 5 to begin with, and then the put all that eyeshadow and blush crap on them, so they look like anorexic baby chinese clowns.
2. Akon. If you took one of those chinese gymnasts, gave them strep throat, ran them over slowly with a tank, and made them say 'convict' a few times, you'd have an Akon song.
3. Engrish. See below.
4. Abercrombie & Fitch. It's Hollister, only with more blue, higher prices, and louder music.
Let's go spend $200 on jeans that look like they've been worn by a dirty hobo for 10 years! :D
5. When you're in Chicago, and waiting for the bus and someone asks you "Did the bus come yet?" If the bus came I would not be standing here asshole.