Friday, September 3, 2010

living here will make me racist.

dear people of the ghetto,

i don't appreciate it when i call the apartment's front desk and get you because your answer to all my questions is 'i don't know du' which doesn't help me with shit.

i don't appreciate when your swags on and i'm trying to get to class. my classes are far apart and i need the every single one of the 10 provided minutes in between to get to them. so quit giving me dirty looks when i'm trying to run around you because you're going -3 miles an hour with your jeans belted around your thighs.

i don't get why you have to simultaneously stomp up the stairs with all of your strength, while screaming at the top of your lungs. and not just once, every single fucking day. a billion times a day. STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP 'AYYYYY MANNN' i can hear it from my bathroom.

i don't appreciate hearing you bump at 3am. you're in the parking lot, driving to a parking space. i know manners are an unknown concept to you, but really. there's no one around to listen to your wiz khalifa and think you're a G at 3am in the parking lot. just me trying to sleep and failing.

p.s. QUIT LITTERING. whats your fucking problem. littering is my #1 pet peeve, and you ghetto people do it more then anyone i've ever met. you leave your mcdonald's in front of the building, you drop your wrappers on the stairs, you leave your beer cans in the grass. for fucks sake, whats cool about living in a place that looks like a shit hole? you're like, creating a ghetto around you wherever you go. you're like damn ghetto black holes.

but i DO appreciate all the fact that i can finally find fake hair in my color thanks to all your hair supply places around.

that is all.


Jessi said...

and THIS is why i love you and am coming to visit ASAP :)

Vghbcfy said...

I agree with all of that...