Thursday, September 30, 2010

dear everyone,

you don't ever need to try and be good enough for anyone else. people will tell you that you have to, people close to you, people you love and people you've known your whole life. i know it always feels like you should and i know its hard to convince yourself that you shouldn't always be trying to make yourself 'good enough', but tell yourself it everyday until you believe it, because trying to be good enough is miserable, and it will make you more miserable and bitter everyday, until one day you wake up and your 35 and unhappy and doing things you don't want because you had to please someone else. not only is it miserable to experience, it's equally miserable to watch. please remember this when someone someday makes you feel like you aren't worth their time, because it will happen. instead of trying to make yourself worth their time, find someone who never made you prove anything for theirs, because they knew you were worth it to begin with.


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