Monday, March 14, 2011

i am not jasmine i am aladdin.

have you ever thought about people and realized, there's something you just absolutely hate about every single person you know?
whether it be an annoying habit or they way they get when they're drunk or they way they think about certain issues. or what they like and don't like, what they think matters and doesn't matter. they way they talk when they argue or they way they act different around boys or how they always smoke in your car without asking you.

i dunno.

and it's weird because all of that kind of stuff you can't openly hate really, until it actually creates a problem and you eventually fight or argue about it. and it's not like that will do any good anyway, people don't ever seem to changes things like that. you'll just argue and argue until you get tired of it but the only difference is now they know it bothers you so they're defensive about it.

on another note.
time has flown this semester, i need to step my game up school wise.
i've been spending all my time with a certain someone and its been kind of messing with it.
i am so happy. (:
i've never been in a relationship like this ever, i didn't even know one so good could exist. it's all the things i never knew i wanted.
my recent little health ordeal is pretty much over praise jeebus, and i feel a whole lot better.

idk thats about the extent of my update kids. i'll try not to forget about this thing again. (:

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