Tuesday, December 30, 2008

remember this?

Ok. So, which of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster?

Frank: Mikey

Gerard: Mike, yes.

That would be me.

And who would yell 'Hey! It's still plugged in!'

Gerard: I would definitely be the one yelling. I think we're all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters.

It's funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like, "I can't believe he did this today."

Yeah, I would leave the tea on overnight.

God forbid that kid ever lives alone.

He had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he'll take a heater into the shower and plug it in..

Frank: Oh god..

Gerard: ...and there's water everywhere

I did that one time..

What about the times with the radio?

Mikey: Yeah...

Frank: Oh god..a heater?!

Mikey: ... I was pretty warm when I did it though.

oh and i got glasses. i didnt need them really. long story. (:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

for the bulimics..

no more sticking fingers down your throat. this will do it.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


bitchass motherfucker. i hate being lied to.

i dont know. i especially hate finding out i was being lied to, oh say, a month later, after ive forgotten about it.

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. *EJIEGIJOPSIOJSFU*#@$_ri(#

gonna break some fuckin teettthh.

Monday, December 8, 2008


'love life. nod to your haters.
positive or negative, they still think about you enough to let you know,
truly they are your biggest fans.' - frank iero.